Teaching and Learning
Literacy and Numeracy Program
Intervention Programs used at Clarendon include MultiLit, MiniLit, TooSmart and Reading Doctor.
At Clarendon Primary School we work to establish conditions for learning that most suit a child’s developmental stage, ability and learning disposition in a way that enables them to make progress towards achieving personalised learning goals.
Kitchen Garden
Information and Communication Technology
Information and Communication Technologies are integrated across the curriculum and used in ways to enhance student learning. Students may, at different times, use laptops, desktops, iPads, tablets, video cameras and still cameras to access curriculum content. We believe that ICTs should be used to create, process, innovate, present and share ideas, learning and thinking. All use of ICTs at Clarendon must be done in accordance with our user agreements and policies. See our ICT Policy.
Child Protection Curriculum
All teachers at Clarendon Primary School are trained in the delivery of the child protection curriculum. It is expected that each year, the CPC is delivered according to national and state guidelines.
Autism Inclusion Teachers
Autism Inclusion Teachers are a new, nation-leading initiative that aims to build educator understanding and knowledge around supporting autistic children and young people.
Every public primary school in South Australia has appointed an Autism Inclusion Teacher. Our Autism Inclusion Teacher is our school principal Regan Birrell, who will take on the role 1 day per fortnight.
Autism Inclusion Teachers will build their own teaching expertise, knowledge and understanding of autism through engaging in formal learning offerings and participation in the Autism Inclusion Teacher networks. To improve knowledge and practice across the school, Autism Inclusion Teachers will then be encouraged to share their learnings and resources with their colleagues to utilise in teaching autistic children and young people in their own classes.
Visit the Department for Education website to find out more about improving support for autistic children and students.
Clarendon Primary regularly participates in sporting activities throughout the year. Some of these include: swimming, netball, T-20 blast cricket, cross-country, soccer, hockey, football, athletics, tag rugby and rugby league. Children in Year 5 & 6 are generally given priority in selection for sports teams, however, children in Year 3 & 4 may be invited to participate where appropriate. Teams are entered into various SAPSASA competitions and have produced some excellent results over the years.
Students in our Year 4-5-6 Class have a ukulele program which was introduced at Clarendon several years ago. Each student is issued with a ukulele to use during their time in the class, which is traditionally presented to them as they conclude their primary schooling. It is amazing to watch their transformation from the beginning of each year to the end, as they become more dexterous and confident players.
Instrumental music tuition is often available. Currently we have a private guitar/piano teacher who takes students for lessons during class time for 30-minute lessons.
The senior class participates in an aquatics program every 2 years, usually in Term 1. Students participate in kayaking, wind surfing, sailing, surfing, boating, canoeing and snorkelling lessons.
Barefoot Club
Book Week
Each year we celebrate Book Week with activities focused on reading and the library. In past years this has involved book making, storytelling, parades, performances and a variety of events involving students, parents and the community. Book Week is usually celebrated during Term 3. Check CBCA Book Week for information about the theme.
Camps / Excursions / Incursions
Clarendon Primary School deeply values the learning that children undertake when outside of the school and when we have people visit our school. Camps, excursions and incursions are an expression of this value and something that we have children involved in each year. Previously, we have been on adventure caving camps to Naracoorte, aquatics camps at Port Vincent, camps to Narnu Farm, the Zoo, Arbury Park and many other destinations.
End of Year School Concert
A school concert is held each year on an evening in Term 4 where each class performs a dance they have learned during Term 4. Extended family is welcome to attend this event, which has been held at C3 church for the past several years. It tends to be a spectacular night not to be missed!
Grandparents' (Elders') Day
One day a year is designated for students’ grandparents and other special people in our students’ lives to share in learning activities at the school. This is often linked with Harmony Day or Book Week and an activity is held to further bond our students with their special older visitors.
ICAS/Westpac Maths Competitions
In 2014, one of our Year 4 students won the SA/NT ICAS medal for the highest score in the English Test in SA/NT.
Outdoor Playtimes
During outdoor playtimes, children at Clarendon Primary School are encouraged to play freely outside in the yard. Clarendon has many varied structured and unstructured play spaces around the yard and children are able to play in natural environments among the trees. Cubby building is a popular playtime pursuit. Sports and other play equipment is also available for students to access at playtimes and Gaga Ball is our newest addition to the playground.
We are a sun safe school, and therefore sun hats must be worn during Terms 1 & 4, and during Terms 2 & 3 when the UV is 3 or above.
Resource Centre / Library
Students and parents may use these facilities for class, group or individual research. Students are issued with a card when they commence at Clarendon Primary. If parents would like to use the facilities to borrow, a card will happily be issued on request.
Borrowing: each class has library time for borrowing. Children may also borrow before school, after school, recess time, lunchtime or during class time as determined with the class teacher. Younger children may need help to use the Bookmark program. Materials may be borrowed for 2 weeks, with the option of extending this time if needed.
Returning: books must be placed in the Returns chute at the main desk to the right of the entrance door to the Resource Centre.
Reference books: these are to be mainly used in the Resource Centre or can be borrowed overnight.
Book bags (library bags): these are a good idea, especially for younger children.
Scholastic Book Club: books can be bought for your children through this club. This happens twice a term and the school benefits from all purchases made. We recommend you do not purchase “gadgets” through the Book Club as we have found that they often do not last.
Please encourage your children to become happy, responsible users of these resources. Enjoy and share their books with them.
All of our students participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge each year to earn certificates and medals. We have had 100% participation for several years.
Science Week
This event is a week-long focus on a particular theme in science. All students can take part in the activities including a daily “guess what’s under the microscope” challenge. Also, each day during Science Week, there are engaging activities for students to get involved in during one of the break times. The whole school tends to have an incursion event with a science focus also.
Students with Disabilities
Water Safety and Swimming Classes for Reception to Year 5 are generally held in Term 1 or 2 for one week (Mon-Fri) at the Noarlunga Aquatic & Recreation Centre. Parents are invited to the final day to watch their child/ren.
Sports Day
Sports Day is a big event in our school calendar and is a day where families are invited to come and watch the fun and games. There is often a parent event which has traditionally been Tug of War, and a pre-school event with all younger siblings participating in a 50-metre “sprint”. Both activities earn points towards their child’s Sports Day team score.
Students compete in three house teams: Thorpe (purple), Freeman (blue) & O’Neill (green) and families are invited to dress in their child’s team colour and come along to support them. Team Spirit is a big part of the day, and children are often seen providing encouragement to those in opposing teams.